



Fringe type


Creative creations with @hairwithmin

@hairwithmin has been gracing our instagram feed with more intricate hairstyles. Providing true evidence that hairdressing is art.

With Apatite she has achieved her first butterfly, in this half up, half down style. If you wanted something special with a playful edge and influenced by mother nature herself.

picture: lush wigs

picture: hairwithmin instagram

We’re in awe of her latest french braid with Aileana swept back off the face into this half fish tail braid, with the rest of the hair tied with a scrunchie and let loose for softness.
And a triple braid half up half down style accessorised with tiny butterfly clips.

picture: lush wigs

picture: hairwithmin instagram

picture hairwithmin instagram

To see more of her creations, head over to her instagram page here