First of all, I fill my bath with cold water. You can use a bowl or anything similar, I like using the bath because I wash multiple wigs at the same time. When filling the bath, put a little bit of shampoo in, any brand you like. I’ve tried a few different ones and the wigs still come out looking beautiful after they have dried.
I only fill up the bath half way, it doesn’t matter how much water you put in, it’s just my preference. When you’ve finished filling the bowl or bath and added your shampoo, you’ll need to prepare your wig. I find brushing the wig before helps, I use a metal wire comb which doesn’t pull on the wig hairs like a normal brush would. I’ve messed up so many wigs because of using a normal brush :( I also sometimes use a Tangle Teezer, mainly on curly wigs.
So now you can place your wig into your bowl or bath. Hold the front of the wig (where the fringe is/would be) then start moving your wig from side to side, making sure that all of the wig is under the water. You can do that back and forth movement as many times as you want, I normally only do it twice.
After doing that, lift the wig up and rise off any bubbles. I normally do this under the bath tap, but you can do it under a shower head, or if you are doing it in a bowl use a measuring jug. When you have got all the soap out of the wig, squeeze the excess water out, then place on a towel and dab the wig so it’s not dripping.
Your wig is now ready to hang out to dry. I hang mine out on the washing line, so the sun and the wind dries the hair naturally. Living in England means it can be a pain waiting for that sunny day to arrive!
If you don’t want to hang them on the washing line, try and find a place that has a drain or a water-resistant floor so it wouldn’t matter if the wig drips. This could work over the bath or in the shower.
So that is how I wish my wigs, I hope it was helpful.